Special Report: Unknown Asia Art Exchange Osaka 2015
Last 16-18 of October, we were participating in a collective exhibition together with more than 100 artists from Japan, Korea, Thailand, Philippine, etc. Thanks to Mr. Hermawan Tanzil and Yoko from Akar Media for the recommendation; we’re honoured to represent Indonesia together with Nicoline Patricia, and Mata Design. Held in Osaka, Unknown Asia at Osaka City Central Public Hall; the event was meant to connect creative people around Asia. Plus, meeting new cool friends from Korea, Thailand, Philippines, Japan, etc, made this trip a very pleasant one. Please check our photos we took during the event. Enjoy!
Special thanks to Mr. Tik Santi Lawrachawee from PRACTICAL Design, Thailand, for awarding us with one of the Judges’ Prizes, and also Mr. Shigeki Hattori for recommending us.
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